Our Workshop application session for spring/summer has closed. We will begin accepting and reviewing applications for our 2025 Fall/Winter session on May 15th, 2025. Please check back then. Thank you.
Apply to Teach a Workshop
The Mendocino Art Center offers workshops taught by both visiting and local artists in a wide variety of mediums and topics. Some instructors choose to be compensated, and some choose to teach pro bono to help us offer more affordable workshop.
If you are interested in teaching at the MAC, please fill out and submit the form at the link below. Please note that the form is quite long, so please take a look at the application before you begin to make sure you are ready to fill it out.
Your application will be sent directly to our Education Coordinator, who will respond by email shortly. Please contact them at education@mendocinoartcenter.org if you have any questions.
More information
Instructor Compensation
Pro Bono Instructors
Pro Bono Instructors donate their time to the MAC to help us make more accessibly priced workshops and to raise funds. They teach for no compensation.
Workshop can be offered at a very affordable rate for students
Helps MAC raise money to support other programs
No expectation on Instructor to promote the workshop
No compensation
Supporting Instructors
Supporting Instructors help support the MAC, and make workshops more affordable to students, by receiving more modest, flat-rate compensation. They teach at an hourly rate, generally $60 per hour, plus a small per-student bonus to be worked out with the Instructor.
Instructors know their pay in advance of the workshop; this flat-rate compensation also means that an Instructor does not need to worry about filling spots in the workshop
No expectation on Instructor to promote the workshop
If a workshop fills up to full capacity, this gives the MAC higher margins; we use these extra funds to support free programming, scholarships, and other community initiatives
Potentially lower compensation than a Masterclass Instructor, if a workshop fills up to full capacity
Masterclass Instructors
Masterclass Instructors are experienced professional artists with at least 5 years of teaching experience in the relevant medium, some degree of name recognition in their field (at least locally), and an audience of their own to whom they can promote their workshop. They receive 50% of tuition collected for their workshop. The tuition for these workshops is worked out between the MAC and the Instructor.
Potentially higher compensation, if a workshop fills up to capacity
Instructor us expected to have an audience to whom they can promote their workshop
If the workshop only fills to its minimum capacity, an Instructor may receive relatively low compensation.
Instructor Lodging
We offer free housing on campus to any Instructors coming from out of town.