Katie Applebaum

Technology for the sake of instant gratification plagues me and our society. Our minds have become siphons, sipping and spitting out information without the need to retain it. This pulls us away from our roots as makers. This change causes us to neglect practices, skills and implements that used to be pertinent to our ability to thrive. These implements, the neglected tools and objects of the past must be glorified. I like to find romance in the simplicity of utilitarian objects. When your life is made better by something so simple, so intrinsic and benign how can you not glorify it? It is my directive to emulate these objects as a tribute to their reliability and usefulness. In order to understand these objects more intimately I set out to learn their intricacies. I deconstruct them with my mind so I can build them with my hands.

Katie Applebaum is from a small town in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains in northern California. They graduated with a Bachelors of fine arts from California State University Chico in 2019, with a minor in environmental science/sustainability. Katie has worked in multiple galleries, from large universities, to small local non-profits. Since graduation they have completed Residency at Cub Creek Foundation in rural Virginia, where they studied under master potter John Jessiman. Their work explores and glorifies utilitarian objects from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. 


SULO BEE, interdisciplinary metalsmith