MILES McCREARY, ceramics

Making pots and cooking are activities that fill many different roles: of necessity and creativity, utility and extravagance, nourishment and indulgence. Both imply a desire to share with others and to live in community, and this has proven to be a sustainable source of motivation for me. While my studio practice is the focus of my work-life, food remains the through line.

Pots are meant to be used just as food is meant to be eaten. I put a lot of energy and thought into the work I do, and utility always takes precedence over preciousness. If you buy a pot from me, please use it!

I’m a chef-turned-studio potter from Berkeley, CA.

In 2016 I was working in a high-end restaurant and found myself obsessing over the pottery we used. I enrolled in a class at the local community studio, and over the last few years have shifted my focus away from cooking and towards the goal of becoming a full-time studio artist.

Between 2017-2019 I lived in Asheville, North Carolina, and the world of clay really opened up for me during that time. I spent 4 months at the Penland School of Craft in their work-study program and absorbed as much as I possibly could.

I’ve lived in Washington state, western North Carolina, and the Cape Cod area of Massachusetts, but northern California continues to be my center of gravity.




GRACE POTTER, ceramics